
My Favorite Internet 1

My Favorite Internet 6


Wood1a is an orgaizationn that makes sky scrapers out of wood. The highrises can be about 40 stories high and up to 200,000 square feet. By using wood, it cuts back on carbon admissions that are sent into the air. The sight is easy to use, clean, and interactive. On each page it has a little video explaning how th company came up with idea, how it works, how it helps the earth, and what they want to do over the next 10 years. I love this company and idea because i love the outdoors and I would like to save the Earth s my grand kids can go camping and not have to worry about CO2 or UV raises killing them slowly whenever they go outside. To learn more go on their site, or my mock site that tels a little about them.


ExonMoble it one of the leading comapines that are in the oil and gas industry. I chose this site because it is the opposite of Wood1a's mission and ideals. Most of us have heard about Exon and maybe even buy and use their gas and oil. The site is nicely layed out, with tabs explamaning and linking you to other things such as their technology, company mission, spill perventions and more. I hate that they are killing and draining the Earth as you read this, but the site is very well layed out, easy to use and see, and even has links to it's soical media in the top right corner.