Andkon is a gaming website I used to play when i was a kid. I would play games such as Paxon, which is a pacman type game, and Hex Empire, which is like Risk. I would play other games too, but those are the two I would play the most. This webiste has a bunch of games for kids of all ages, some weirder then others (like the kissing game). The one downside that i find with this site is that the way the games are layed out, is very random, and not easy to find. The way to choice/see the games is by little icons with imageson them. There is a search bar, but if you dont know the name of the game, you wont be able to search it.
Like Andkon, MiniClip is another gaming website. Me and my brother would have tordiments on this site with a pool game or a gun game. This site is easier to see the games names on t and is layed out under catigories, like puzzle games, multiplayer games, or action games. I think this webiste is more aimed toawrds younger kids from ages 6-13, while Andkon is more for kids 10 and up. I like both site, but this one does come in second when it comes to the game selecetion Miniclip has.